Neuro Rehab is highly specialized & specific with evidence based & advanced treatment protocols. Patients with –
- Stroke
- Ataxias
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Neuropathies
- Nerve Injuries
- Myopathies
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinsonism
are treated with the newest concepts of Neuro developmental Treatment Approach, Motor Learning (Carr & Shepherd approach), Sensory Integration & Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation techniques.
Core stability” Exercises – The newest component of Spine Rehabilitation used internationally has been introduced by us for first time in India. These are a set of exercises which strengthens the natural belt of the trunk giving amazing results in cases of Mechanical Back Pain & Post-operative Spine Conditions.
Ortho Rehab is the major component of Physiotherapy anywhere. But what is new in Ortho Rehab at Mission Health? Apart from Conventional Physiotherapy which includes pain relief, range of motion exercises & strengthening, we use different techniques of Manual Therapy. Also newest & rarely used techniques like Muscle energy techniques, Myofascial Release techniques, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation techniques, Neural tissue Mobilization are used for muscle & soft tissue pathologies.
- Neck pain
- Cervical Radiculopathies
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Cervicogenic Headache
- Frozen Shoulder
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Trapezius
- Back Pain
- SI Joint Dysfunction
- Lumbar Radiculopathies
- Coccydenia
- Osteo Arthritis – Knee, Hip
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- TM Joint Dysfunction
- Meniscus Injuries
- Ligament Injuries
- Joint Dislocations
- Plantar Fascitis
- Heel Pain
- Knee Replacement
Paediatrics Physiotherapy :
Children with Cerebral Palsy and other Pediatric Neurologic conditions like
- Erb’s palsy
- Hereditary Neuropathies
- Autism
- Developmental Dysplasia of Hip
- Achondroplasia
- Arthogryposis Multiplex Congenita
- Torticollis
are treated with most recent concepts of NDT approach & Sensory integration by specialists in Pediatric Physiotherapy.
Occupational therapist, Speech therapist, Orthotist, Special Educator is also a part of our Pediatric Rehab team. Pediatric Orthopedic conditions like etc also are treated with expertize. Rehabilitation of children with Congenital Heart Diseases & Asthma constitutes the newest additive in Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation.
Geriatric population is the most neglected population in our society. The active & energetic person of one time becomes lonely & neglected after certain age.
The exercises include exercises for preventing:
- Knee pain
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Balance training
- Cardiopulmonary Conditioning
- Ergonomics
- Life style modification
- Pranayama
- Relaxation & entertaintment as well
One hour a day becomes very refreshing & recreative for them in addition to providing many health related benefits. It helps them to age gracefully.
Sports injury is usually considered to be a case of bad luck and is probably the most frustrating experience of an athlete. Only one thing is worse and that is the recurring condition. But is it really a bad luck? Or your rehabilitation exercise programme is causing more damage? But rehabilitation is a must after any sports injury. But of the right kind! And if you never had the need of a rehab, then read on….it can mean difference between a full recovery, versus a chronic nagging injury..!!!!!
At Jaipur Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation after sports injury is very specific according to the muscles and ligaments or other tissues injured. Depending on type of injury, there can be several areas of dysfunction and hence the condition has to be diagnosed and treated by a sports Physiotherapist specialized in this subject.
The first stage in sports injury rehabilitation is pain relief and reduction of swelling and inflammation. This is done with most advanced Electro Physical Agents. After that the Specific exercise programme helps to return the function of injured muscles and ligaments, biomechanics to their original state as before injury. But the treatment and its results may vary according to the severity of injury and so the duration of rehab may also vary. The key is to return the body to the normal function so that the player can resume his sports as perfectly and efficiently as before
The Rheumatology Physiotherapy department at Mission Health provides a wide range of services for rheumatological conditions and similar arthropathies.
We are specialized in the management of rheumatological conditions treating patients with
- Connective tissue diseases
- Complex regional pain syndromes
- Fibromyalgia
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatic conditions are one of the major causes of disabilities and sufferings. Though the condition can’t be cured completely and medical treatment is a must, Physiotherapy helps to reduce the pain, inflammation and disability and make return to function as close to normal as possible.
Rheumatic treatment at Mission Health includes a range of Electro physical Agents, Exercise programme, functional re-education and ergonomics.
Also we provide alternative therapies like Pranayama which plays an important role in these conditions.
Physiotherapy plays an important role in Vascular conditions like Varicose Veins- commonest of all which causes heaviness and pain in the legs. Also a very important role of physiotherapy is after any vascular surgery. The treatment of the same includes Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy which is a pressure therapy system in which patient is made to wear garments and pressure is applied in different modes which helps in symptomatic relief of heaviness and pain in the legs. It improves blood circulation & stimulation Lymphatic Drainage as well. It is very effective in reducing swelling seen in post-cancer surgeries
Obesity causes adverse effects on the functioning of almost every system in the body.
·High blood pressure:Additional fat tissue in the body needs oxygen and nutrients. The blood vessels have to circulate more blood to the fat tissue and the heart needs to pump harder to achieve this. This causes more pressure on the walls of the arteries thus increasing the blood pressure.
·Diabetes: Obesity causes type 2 diabetes, which usually begins in adulthood. Obesity increases resistance to the actions of hormone insulin that regulates blood sugar.